A look at Photoshop CS 6

Shortly before Passover and Easter, Adobe released a beta version of Photoshop CS6. Like millions of designers, photographers, motion graphics specialists and others, I downloaded the software. You can too here for a limited time.  There are a couple of websites that will walk you through the new features. One is Scott Kelby's Photoshop User website with a special link. Lynda.com has a series of videos presented by Deke McClelland on the features.  A third is Photoshop Cafe. Visit these sites to learn more.

These are a few of my favorite things about CS6 (so far. Makes you want to sing with the Von Trapp family).

One: importing images from your camera or mobile device directly into Photoshop.  I really like this. Following are a couple of images I imported from my phone, sized and added a watermark. Cool.

 Two: 3D type effects. Much improved from CS5.

Three: Content-Aware Move. This is a phenomenal feature. When it works it's a great time saver. But like content-aware scale, it works on some things better than others.

Here's a photo of a guy on a cruise ship taking a picture.

I made a selection (tighter than recommended) of the gentleman and his reflection on the deck. I then selected the Content-Aware move tool, and moved the figure to the right.

When Photoshop completed its processing, the man was now at the right, but he left a halo. In addition, there is an issue with the chairs and the rest of the ship receding into the distance.  You'd spend a fair amount of time cloning and patching afterwards.

Still, pretty amazing when you have the right type of image on a white or covered background like grass or a brick or concrete wall.

Fourth: Paragraph and Character styles. I'm enjoying adding effects to the styles. Here are two.

Glow effect

Gradient applied to editable type
So give it a try. Take the opportunity to tell Adobe what you like about CS6. Offer suggestions for tweaks. Last but not least, thank them for allowing a free preview of the program all of us use daily.
